My lifestyle journey with Young Living Essential Oils began on May 25th, 2014. I had noticed essential oils popping up everywhere, they were taking over Facebook. Even though Young Living as a company has been around for over 20 years, they weren’t taking the world by storm until pretty recently. After seeing post after post, I decided to do some research on Essential Oils. In case you didn’t know, I am an expert researcher (aka snooper), so I read a number of articles before hopping on this journey. I wanted to know the what since I already had my why.
Now, you might be wondering what on earth essential oils actually are. They are the aromatic, volatile liquids distilled from plants. The oil comes from the roots, seeds, shrub, flowers, leaves and trees and bring health and healing to the body. While I was never good at chemistry, I can tell you that the chemistry is extremely complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds. Because of the complexity, essential oils are so powerful that they are able to reach every part of our bodies on a cellular level. The fragrance of the oils work on the limbic system in the brain, which stores emotions. This can help relax and clear the mind, as well as release emotional trauma. They can have profound physiological and psychological effects.
Here is a fabulous graphic of all the things Young Living Essential Oils can do for you – wowza, right?!
In December 2009, my Mom passed away of a non-smokers lung cancer having never smoked a cigarette in her life. The type of cancer she had was extremely rare – 1% of lung cancer patients are diagnosed with it. She attributed her streak of bad luck to art chemicals, as she was an extremely talented artist. Here is one of my favorite pieces she did. It hangs in my living room so I can look at it every single day! All of the words are hand stamped and the open hand and box were custom stamps that she made herself too. Her talent amazed me.
She also thought households products might have had an influence on her health. Unfortunately we will never know the exact cause. However, it prompted me to want to rid my home of as many chemicals as possible. I was on a mission to lead a more healthy lifestyle. Losing a parent is a huge wakeup call but loosing a Mom who is your best friend makes things a million times harder. I wanted to ensure that 30 years down the road, my children wouldn’t have to experience what I went through.
And that my friends is how my lifestyle journey with Young Living Essential Oils began! Stay tuned for my next post on WHY I CHOSE YOUNG LIVING…